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California Climate Disclosures: How CA SB 253 and 261 Will Affect Companies

California has long been at the vanguard of US environmental policy. As global trends for climate disclosure regulations pick up steam with the SEC Climate Disclosure proposal in the US and the European Union’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), the state has accordingly moved quickly to not be left behind. In September 2023, the California […]

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Tackling Supply Chain Emissions: How Major Brands are Enlisting Suppliers to Reach Their Sustainability Goals

If your company has been receiving more data requests about your supply chain emissions and ESG practices from customers lately, this article is for you. Requests for ESG information are undoubtedly on the rise. Supply chain emissions and general ESG disclosures are gathering steam as major brands increasingly look to bolster supply chain sustainability. Amazon […]

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ISSB Reporting Standards: Companies & Investors Welcome Clarity in Sustainability Disclosures

The recently released International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) reporting standards for sustainability and climate-related disclosures marks a huge milestone in the evolution of global ESG and sustainability reporting. The standards are the culmination of a multi-decade effort to help companies integrate sustainability impacts into their finances, bringing order to the messy landscape of ESG disclosure […]

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Accelerating Success in Your ESG Practice

The growing influence of ESG is unmistakable. ESG-related assets are set to make a fifth of global assets under management by 2026. Most investors (76%) claim that they will stop investing in non-ESG products in the next two years, and 70% of US CEOs claim that their ESG program improves their financial performance. It is […]

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Navigating ESG Frameworks and Standards: What you need to know to get started on ESG

Navigating Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) reporting can, at times, become a frustrating labyrinth of acronyms, surveys, standards, and ratings mixed in with hundreds of ESG criteria, which constantly change. It’s incredibly challenging to know where to start with reporting frameworks and competing ESG disclosure standards. Although ESG reporting is still in its infancy, the […]

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Why Every Apparel Company Should Measure Their Greenhouse Gas Emissions

The apparel industry faces as many high materiality ESG issues as any other industry – greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, raw materials, water, biodiversity, DEI, supply chain sustainability, among other ESG topics are critical. One ESG issue that rises to prominence for apparel is emissions. Key players in the industry are collaborating and innovating to reduce […]

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The SEC’s Final Climate Rule: Your Guide To Compliance

After a two-year wait, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has officially passed a groundbreaking climate disclosure rule that sets a clear course for business sustainability efforts and provides decision-useful climate risk disclosures to investors. The finalized rule was voted through 3-2 on Wednesday, March 6th, 2024 and will require companies listed on the […]

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Takeaways from the inaugural IFRS Sustainability Symposium

Last week’s inaugural IFRS Sustainability Symposium in Montreal convened stakeholders from 18+ countries representing top performing companies, ESG-focused investors, and industry advisors to discuss emerging issues related to sustainability disclosure, including the direction of the IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards. The event covered the following topics across various sessions: A key theme that came up is which stakeholders […]

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IFRS Sustainability Symposium

Good.Lab is pleased to be attending the inaugural IFRS Sustainability Symposium which convenes global businesses, investors and policymakers to discuss progress towards a global baseline of sustainability disclosures. Are you a leader in your field or at a company that is currently navigating ESG? If you’ll be in attendance, let’s schedule a time to meet! […]

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ISSB Ups the Ante for Climate Disclosures for Mid-Market US Companies

This week, the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB), the organization tasked with developing a comprehensive global baseline of sustainability disclosures for the capital markets, announced a unanimous climate decision that under its guidelines, companies will be required to use climate-related scenario analysis as part of their ESG disclosures. Last month, the ISSB confirmed that reporting on Scope 3 emissions – those […]

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Infographic: Navigating the SEC’s Climate Disclosure Proposal

With 38 out 50 of the largest global economies enacting or developing disclosure requirements for companies covering environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues, demand for high quality ESG data will increase in proportion to the pressure from investors, regulators, and others. The time to transform your ESG and SEC reporting processes is now.   We’ve put […]

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How Private Equity Can Profitably Tap into the Full Potential of ESG

In the wake of the 2020 coronavirus pandemic, record-breaking pools of investment capital poured into ESG funds to profitably combat the planet’s intractable social and environmental problems. Now double the ESG investment is expected to mobilize in the years to come. Due to mounting pressure from limited partners to minimize risk and to align their […]

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