ESG Reporting & Data Blueprint

Solve your ESG reporting challenges, while strengthening ESG data accuracy and performance ratings.

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Modern Software to Meet the Challenges of ESG Reporting & Certification

Good.Lab’s ESG Management Software & Consulting Services help companies master the complex and pressing challenge of ESG and Sustainability Reporting and obtaining certifications.


Supplier ESG Requests

40,000 suppliers receive annual requests from customer to report their emissions and other ESG data via the CDP

Source: CDP

Companies Impacted

60,000+ companies will be affected by the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, including 3,000 US companies

Source: KPMG

Global Reporting

The number of countries that currently have mandated ESG reporting regulations, which is expected to grow in the future

Source: Convene

Solve the ESG Reporting Challenge
with Good.Lab

We help you meet the modern reporting challenge in a landscape where ESG and emissions data clarity and consistency are essential.

ESG Reporting and Sustainability Certifications

ESG Compliance Solved

Ensure compliance across all common voluntary and mandatory ESG standards, frameworks, and laws that underpin climate and ESG disclosures.

Measure and report accurate Scope 1, 2, and 3 GHG Emissions and climate and ESG risks based on the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) reporting standards.

Good.Lab’s team of experts can help you comply with ESG reporting requirements.

ESG Reporting Solved

Meet reporting guidelines for every standard you use voluntarily or are mandated to use, from the consolidated International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) standards to the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), Global Reporting Initiative, EU European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), and others.

Let Good.Lab become your company’s ESG reporting solution.

ESG Reporting and Sustainability Certifications
ESG Reporting and Sustainability Certifications

ESG Supply Chain Reporting Solved

Even if you are not directly affected by an ESG reporting regulations today, one of your customers is likely to ask you for your data, soon. We ensure our clients are prepared to comply with supplier data requests from large companies like Amazon and Microsoft that aim to reduce their supply chain emissions, requiring the companies in their supply chain to report emissions, set reduction targets, and more.

Good.Lab helps you report emissions and other ESG data to customers and business partners.

ESG & Sustainability Certifications Solved

Like reporting, ESG certifications and ratings are increasingly a yardstick for corporate responsibility and can set you apart from competitors. Good.Lab provides a one-stop solution for navigating complex certification processes like EcoVadis, CDP, and B Corp, among others.

Good.Lab helps companies improve and communicate ESG performance to obtain sustainability certifications.

ESG Reporting and Sustainability Certifications

Good.Lab ESG Management Solutions for ESG Reporting, Sustainability Certifications, & Ratings

As ESG reporting becomes mandatory, companies must stay updated on the latest criteria and obligations. Instead of dedicating extensive resources to manually check ESG requirements in every market, consider a more efficient solution – mapping your data to everywhere it needs to go. Our ESG Software Platform ensures data compliance with all ESG reporting standards, reducing complexity and costly errors.

Quantify ESG Performance

Access the critical performance metrics you need to fulfill reporting requirements and disclosures effectively with accurate, auditable, and quantified ESG data points.

Streamline ESG Frameworks

Manage multiple, competing requests by linking your proof points to common frameworks & certifications, like CA SB 261, requiring TCFD-aligned reporting, and corporate requirements, like emissions reporting through CDP.

Prioritize ESG Focus

Craft winning messages and accurate proof points for internal and external sustainability communications in accordance with standard reporting frameworks with the help of our ESG experts.

Satisfy ESG Requirements

Meet the reporting requests of legislators and customers, from EcoVadis & CDP to CA SB 253 & 261, SEC Climate Disclosure Rule, EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, ISSB, and TNFD.

Discover the importance of quantified data in today’s ESG Reporting realm

Ensure Simple, Accurate, and Timely ESG & Sustainability Reporting

Good.Lab’s ESG Management Platform and consulting services simplify ESG reporting without compromising on accuracy and timeliness. Our approach is designed to seamlessly integrate with your existing operations and provide a streamlined experience from data collection to reporting. Here’s how we do it:

ESG Reporting and Sustainability Certifications

Timely ESG Disclosures

Meet all ESG reporting deadlines with tools to expedite your ESG data collection, validation, and submission. Ensure consistency and clarity in how your ESG performance is communicated to stakeholders with support for crafting a series of messages and proof points that align to with common ESG reporting frameworks.

ESG Reporting and Sustainability Certifications

ESG Data Mapping

Utilizing our unique ESG Reporting Index Blueprint, we meticulously map your ESG performance metrics to the disclosure sections of key reporting standards such as the GRI, the SASB, and the TCFD. This blueprint serves as a structured guide, aligning your reporting processes with globally recognized standards, and ensuring that your data is comprehensive and compliant.

ESG Reporting and Sustainability Certifications

Continuous Improvement

Our engagement doesn’t end with a single reporting cycle. We offer ongoing support and insights to help you continually improve your reporting processes, ensuring they remain simple, accurate, and timely as your organization evolves and as reporting standards advance.

ESG Case Study: Good.Lab and Franklin Energy

Good.Lab provided us with the expert guidance and tools to accelerate our efforts to understand and improve our ESG performance, and provided all of the required ESG data for us to create our first (and subsequent) company sustainability reports.

Bridgid Lutz
Director of Sustainability at Franklin Energy


Good.Lab’s ESG experts enabled us to complete CDP Disclosure in record time to meet our clients’ accelerated deadline. They guided us through the complete CDP questionnaire and ESG data preparation, helping us to present a professional front for our client.

Claire Nottingham
Co-founder & CEO at 1904 Labs

ESG Reporting Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Solve Your ESG Reporting

Accurately Report Your Company's Environmental, Social, and Governance Impact with Good.Lab

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