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A Smiling Woman CFO

The New Role of the ESG-Focused Chief Financial Officer

The role of the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) has evolved significantly in past years to include Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG). Gone are the days of the CFO who focuses only on accounting. Enter the ESG-focused Chief Financial Officer who is required to be fluent in environmental metrics, sustainable supply chain dynamics, and carbon accounting […]

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The Future of ESG Is Performance (Not Ratings) 

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) ratings are front and center in the news cycle these days with critique from notables like, Elon Musk labeling ESG a ‘scam’ to the Financial Times’ recently asking if ESG dead on arrival, ‘RIP ESG?’ As these ratings come under increased scrutiny from every direction, businesses get tangled in cultural […]

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Why ESG performance is top of every CFOs Inbox – and what to do about it

The role of the CFO in ESG performance is changing ESG performance is rapidly becoming a critical business issue for companies of all sizes. Boards and audit committees are increasingly interested in ESG reporting, and Chief Financial Officers (CFO) are increasingly being asked to deliver ESG data to investors. As ownership of ESG reporting shifts […]

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Good.Lab Releases Version 1.2 of its ESG Calculator

We’re excited to announce the latest release of version 1.2 of our ESG Calculator with even more functionality for our customers and collaborative tools for our partners to help their clients advance on ESG. Last December we released version 1 of our ESG Calculator software to empower our clients and other companies to start out the new year with […]

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SEC proposes groundbreaking mandatory ESG and climate-related disclosures for public companies

What is the SEC climate-disclosure mandate Today the SEC proposed a groundbreaking rule for climate-related disclosures for public companies in the U.S.  The agency’s commissioners voted 3-1 in favor of the proposal to report on various ESG criteria and will now open it for a period of public comment. The SEC ESG proposal mandates publicly traded […]

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Why Conducting an ESG Baseline Assessment is Essential for Every Company

Conducting an ESG baseline assessment is essential for every company today. “What gets measured gets managed.” This age-old business adage also applies to ESG performance.  Understanding Your Impact Matters  ESG performance metrics are an increasingly important way of holding companies accountable when it comes to sustainability efforts. Companies need to do everything they can to […]

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Beyond Basic ESG Reporting

ESG impact measurement, reporting and ratings today are the wild west. That is without a doubt. As to their usefulness, it depends entirely on how the ESG data is being applied. In a recent Harvard Business Review article focusing on Sustainability, Inc., Kenneth P. Pucker makes some solid arguments. He highlights what he sees as the […]

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