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EcoVadis 101: The Definitive Guide to Improving Your Sustainability Rating

Ecovadis is the world’s largest sustainability ratings provider, with over 100,000 companies rated. EcoVadis ratings matter. They give companies a holistic view of their sustainability performance, enabling them to assess and share their current performance and what they have to do to improve. As the only rating solution for every aspect of Environmental, Social, and […]

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Tackling Supply Chain Emissions: How Major Brands are Enlisting Suppliers to Reach Their Sustainability Goals

If your company has been receiving more data requests about your supply chain emissions and ESG practices from customers lately, this article is for you. Requests for ESG information are undoubtedly on the rise. Supply chain emissions and general ESG disclosures are gathering steam as major brands increasingly look to bolster supply chain sustainability. Amazon […]

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ISSB Reporting Standards: Companies & Investors Welcome Clarity in Sustainability Disclosures

The recently released International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) reporting standards for sustainability and climate-related disclosures marks a huge milestone in the evolution of global ESG and sustainability reporting. The standards are the culmination of a multi-decade effort to help companies integrate sustainability impacts into their finances, bringing order to the messy landscape of ESG disclosure […]

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Navigating Scope 3 and Value Chain Sustainability: A Guide for Private Companies

These days, more large publicly traded companies are either voluntarily setting ambitious carbon reduction targets are being mandated to monitor scope 3 emissions and consider a broad number of value chain sustainability issues. But why should private companies care about these issues? As part of the value chains and therefore scope 3 emissions of these […]

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From Chaos to Clarity: Efficiently Responding to a Flood of ESG Surveys

By 2024, 92% of major buying organizations will require suppliers to disclose Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) information. The same recent study also revealed that ESG laggards could lose opportunities to win big contracts. With more ESG regulations on the way and a global green agenda in full swing, it won’t be long before the 92% […]

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Why Every Apparel Company Should Measure Their Greenhouse Gas Emissions

The apparel industry faces as many high materiality ESG issues as any other industry – greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, raw materials, water, biodiversity, DEI, supply chain sustainability, among other ESG topics are critical. One ESG issue that rises to prominence for apparel is emissions. Key players in the industry are collaborating and innovating to reduce […]

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The SEC’s Final Climate Rule: Your Guide To Compliance

After a two-year wait, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has officially passed a groundbreaking climate disclosure rule that sets a clear course for business sustainability efforts and provides decision-useful climate risk disclosures to investors. The finalized rule was voted through 3-2 on Wednesday, March 6th, 2024 and will require companies listed on the […]

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ESG Data Challenges Test the Chief Sustainability Office on Performance

Reaching a net-zero future will require firm commitments and action from a variety of stakeholders. At Good.Lab we believe the private sector possesses enormous potential to drive climate action and be a force for good. That’s why we’ve made it our central focus to support companies in setting and achieving ESG performance targets by harnessing […]

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The Future of ESG Is Performance (Not Ratings) 

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) ratings are front and center in the news cycle these days with critique from notables like, Elon Musk labeling ESG a ‘scam’ to the Financial Times’ recently asking if ESG dead on arrival, ‘RIP ESG?’ As these ratings come under increased scrutiny from every direction, businesses get tangled in cultural […]

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Good.Lab Releases Version 1.2 of its ESG Calculator

We’re excited to announce the latest release of version 1.2 of our ESG Calculator with even more functionality for our customers and collaborative tools for our partners to help their clients advance on ESG. Last December we released version 1 of our ESG Calculator software to empower our clients and other companies to start out the new year with […]

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Why Conducting an ESG Baseline Assessment is Essential for Every Company

Conducting an ESG baseline assessment is essential for every company today. “What gets measured gets managed.” This age-old business adage also applies to ESG performance.  Understanding Your Impact Matters  ESG performance metrics are an increasingly important way of holding companies accountable when it comes to sustainability efforts. Companies need to do everything they can to […]

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How Apparel Companies Win by Shifting their Focus from Success on the Catwalk to ESG Leadership

From factory floor to retail storefront, clothing goes through a resource-intensive, globally distributed journey before it’s ever worn. As environmental, social, and governance (ESG) and sustainability continue to rise to the fore, companies in the apparel industry face a pressing need to improve ESG performance in their supply chains, their own operations, and even after their […]

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