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Carbon Accounting 101: The Ultimate Guide

Carbon Accounting is the modern language of climate change. It’s how companies share their climate story transparently and accurately today. Measuring companies, individuals, events, and countries’ carbon footprints through Greenhouse Gas (GHG) accounting tools holds them responsible for their climate impact by quantifying it. From a business perspective, measuring emissions through carbon accounting has become […]

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California Climate Disclosures: How CA SB 253 and 261 Will Affect Companies

California has long been at the vanguard of US environmental policy. As global trends for climate disclosure regulations pick up steam with the SEC Climate Disclosure proposal in the US and the European Union’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), the state has accordingly moved quickly to not be left behind. In September 2023, the California […]

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Navigating Scope 3 and Value Chain Sustainability: A Guide for Private Companies

These days, more large publicly traded companies are either voluntarily setting ambitious carbon reduction targets are being mandated to monitor scope 3 emissions and consider a broad number of value chain sustainability issues. But why should private companies care about these issues? As part of the value chains and therefore scope 3 emissions of these […]

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How Government Contractors can Compete in the Federal Marketplace on Sustainability & GHG Emissions Management

The U.S. Government is focused on driving sustainability through its procurement processes. New Federal policies have been introduced to incentivize Federal contractors to measure, manage and report on their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and other environmental, social, and governance (ESG) initiatives. To win more contracts and maintain their competitiveness, contract bidders must keep relevant Federal […]

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