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esg materiality assessment

Understanding the Materiality Assessment – and why it’s the essential first step in your ESG journey

What is Materiality in ESG Materiality, in environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG), refers to the business importance, financial significant, and stakeholder value of a specific ESG topic. Understanding materiality is a critical early component in crafting a lasting and successful ESG strategy for your company. The ESG Materiality Assessment is the exercise that helps your […]

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The impact of the Climate Bill (Inflation Reduction Act) on mid-market companies

In case you missed it, over the weekend, the U.S. Senate passed a major climate bill known as the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. This bill is a once in a generation opportunity for decisive action in the battle against climate change and we’re celebrating what is already being heralded as, “the single most important […]

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How Private Equity Can Profitably Tap into the Full Potential of ESG

In the wake of the 2020 coronavirus pandemic, record-breaking pools of investment capital poured into ESG funds to profitably combat the planet’s intractable social and environmental problems. Now double the ESG investment is expected to mobilize in the years to come. Due to mounting pressure from limited partners to minimize risk and to align their […]

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The New Role of the ESG-Focused Chief Financial Officer

The role of the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) has evolved significantly in past years to include Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG). Gone are the days of the CFO who focuses only on accounting. Enter the ESG-focused Chief Financial Officer who is required to be fluent in environmental metrics, sustainable supply chain dynamics, and carbon accounting […]

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The Future of ESG Is Performance (Not Ratings) 

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) ratings are front and center in the news cycle these days with critique from notables like, Elon Musk labeling ESG a ‘scam’ to the Financial Times’ recently asking if ESG dead on arrival, ‘RIP ESG?’ As these ratings come under increased scrutiny from every direction, businesses get tangled in cultural […]

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Why ESG performance is top of every CFOs Inbox – and what to do about it

The role of the CFO in ESG performance is changing ESG performance is rapidly becoming a critical business issue for companies of all sizes. Boards and audit committees are increasingly interested in ESG reporting, and Chief Financial Officers (CFO) are increasingly being asked to deliver ESG data to investors. As ownership of ESG reporting shifts […]

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SEC proposes groundbreaking mandatory ESG and climate-related disclosures for public companies

What is the SEC climate-disclosure mandate Today the SEC proposed a groundbreaking rule for climate-related disclosures for public companies in the U.S.  The agency’s commissioners voted 3-1 in favor of the proposal to report on various ESG criteria and will now open it for a period of public comment. The SEC ESG proposal mandates publicly traded […]

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5 steps to making data driven ESG goals part of your business strategy

Setting ESG goals is an essential part of defining your ESG strategy. Intentionally choosing the path you want to take on ESG strategy is more likely to lead to improved performance. Even if you know where you are today, charting a course toward a desired state requires careful setting of data driven ESG goals. The […]

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Why Conducting an ESG Baseline Assessment is Essential for Every Company

Conducting an ESG baseline assessment is essential for every company today. “What gets measured gets managed.” This age-old business adage also applies to ESG performance.  Understanding Your Impact Matters  ESG performance metrics are an increasingly important way of holding companies accountable when it comes to sustainability efforts. Companies need to do everything they can to […]

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Good.Lab’s new assessment tool helps companies to accelerate their ESG journeys

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Calculator provides a platform for companies to diagnose, improve, and transform their sustainability initiatives SAN FRANCISCO | JANUARY 19, 2022 Good.Lab, an Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) data company, has announced the launch of its ESG Calculator.  The ESG Calculator provides a set of tools for companies in the early stages of their ESG initiatives to prioritize ESG issues, assess progress and plan actions. It also includes access […]

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Launching your ESG Journey: A Guide to Corporate Sustainability Transformation

Is your company ready to start on its ESG journey? Andries Verschelden, Good.Lab’s CEO, shares insight, tips, and tools for facilitating the corporate sustainability transformation. Why Companies Are Accelerating Their ESG Journey Now Staying ahead in the ever-evolving sustainability landscape has quickly become the next durable competitive advantage and trend of our era. In his groundbreaking letter to CEOs earlier […]

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10 ESG Predictions for 2022

It’s December, so you know what that means: ESG Predictions for what’s to come in 2022.  Business executives around the globe are eagerly looking forward to what they believe will be a strong year for business in contrast with the past two. To help companies prepare now for ESG success in 2022, we asked our network of sustainability […]

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