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C-Suite Research Survey Reveals ESG Insights from Mid-Market Leaders

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) has become an increasingly important consideration for the mid-market in the USA. We set out to survey 100 business executives and sustainability leaders across 17 industries with revenue between $500 million and $2 billion to better understand where they are in their ESG journeys, current ESG trends, the challenges they […]

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The Power of ESG Benchmarking: A Comprehensive Guide  

Did you know that companies with better Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) performance often outperform their competitors? The secret power of ESG benchmarking lies in helping your company know exactly where it stands on its ESG goals and strategies relative to competitors, customers, and ESG leaders. Knowledge of where you stand enables you to make […]

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Why Every Apparel Company Should Measure Their Greenhouse Gas Emissions

The apparel industry faces as many high materiality ESG issues as any other industry – greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, raw materials, water, biodiversity, DEI, supply chain sustainability, among other ESG topics are critical. One ESG issue that rises to prominence for apparel is emissions. Key players in the industry are collaborating and innovating to reduce […]

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ESG 101 Guide: What Business Leaders Need To Know To Get Started Now

Environmental, Social and, Governance (ESG) has become today’s business imperative. Good.Lab’s ESG 101 Guide is designed to help business leaders quickly come up to speed on the basics of ESG, understand the importance of ESG for their company, and learn how to build a world-class ESG program from the ground up. ESG Defined Once upon a […]

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Good.Lab Enhances its middle market ESG Platform with a Greenhouse Gas Emissions Calculator 

GHG emissions calculator provides an online tool for mid-market companies to produce audit-ready carbon footprints. Good.Lab, the leading ESG solutions provider for the mid-market, announced today that it launched a greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) calculator as part of its ESG software platform. Good.Lab’s easy-to-use online tool enables mid-market companies to quickly measure Scope 1, 2 […]

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Why mid-market companies need a reliable inventory of their Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Mid-market companies benefit from an overarching ESG program that includes calculating their greenhouse gas emissions. It’s no longer an issue only for the world’s largest brands: investors, regulators, employees, and consumers are becoming increasingly concerned about the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance of mid-market companies. A particular focus is on climate impact, as greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have […]

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What’s New in Good.Lab’s ESG Software Platform

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) expectations for companies and the regulatory environment continue to evolve rapidly for companies. That’s why this quarter is all about agility, enabling us to introduce powerful new tools for our ESG strategy and management platform and with added capabilities for in-house ESG leaders, sustainability consultants, and private equity firms and other […]

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Good.Lab Releases ESG Materiality Assessment Software Tool

Good.Lab, an Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) data software company, has announced the launch of a Materiality Assessment Tool as part of its ESG performance software. The Materiality Assessment enables organizations to quickly identify and prioritize among numerous ESG topics and is considered a critical first step in successfully launching an ESG strategy.  Conducting a Materiality […]

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Understanding the Materiality Assessment – and why it’s the essential first step in your ESG journey

What is Materiality in ESG Materiality, in environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG), refers to the business importance, financial significant, and stakeholder value of a specific ESG topic. Understanding materiality is a critical early component in crafting a lasting and successful ESG strategy for your company. The ESG Materiality Assessment is the exercise that helps your […]

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