Sustainability & ESG Resources

mid-market companies need a reliable inventory of their Greenhouse Gas Emissions
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Why mid-market companies need a reliable inventory of their Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Mid-market companies benefit from an overarching ESG program that includes calculating their greenhouse gas emissions. It’s no longer an issue only for the world’s largest brands: investors, regulators, employees, and consumers are becoming increasingly concerned about the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance of mid-market companies. A particular focus is on climate impact, as greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have […]

IFRS Sustainability Symposium
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Takeaways from the inaugural IFRS Sustainability Symposium

Last week’s inaugural IFRS Sustainability Symposium in Montreal convened stakeholders from 18+ countries representing top performing companies, ESG-focused investors, and industry advisors to discuss emerging issues related to sustainability disclosure, including the direction of the IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards. The event covered the following topics across various sessions: A key theme that came up is which stakeholders […]

ESG Calculator
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Good.Lab’s new assessment tool helps companies to accelerate their ESG journeys

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Calculator provides a platform for companies to diagnose, improve, and transform their sustainability initiatives SAN FRANCISCO | JANUARY 19, 2022 Good.Lab, an Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) data company, has announced the launch of its ESG Calculator.  The ESG Calculator provides a set of tools for companies in the early stages of their ESG initiatives to prioritize ESG issues, assess progress and plan actions. It also includes access […]

Launching your ESG Journey
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Launching your ESG Journey: A Guide to Corporate Sustainability Transformation

Is your company ready to start on its ESG journey? Andries Verschelden, Good.Lab’s CEO, shares insight, tips, and tools for facilitating the corporate sustainability transformation. Why Companies Are Accelerating Their ESG Journey Now Staying ahead in the ever-evolving sustainability landscape has quickly become the next durable competitive advantage and trend of our era. In his groundbreaking letter to CEOs earlier […]

Tackling Supply Chain Emissions
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Tackling Supply Chain Emissions: How Major Brands are Enlisting Suppliers to Reach Their Sustainability Goals

If your company has been receiving more data requests about your supply chain emissions and ESG practices from customers lately, this article is for you. Requests for ESG information are undoubtedly on the rise. Supply chain emissions and general ESG disclosures are gathering steam as major brands increasingly look to bolster supply chain sustainability. Amazon […]

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