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10 ESG Predictions for 2022

It’s December, so you know what that means: ESG Predictions for what’s to come in 2022.  Business executives around the globe are eagerly looking forward to what they believe will be a strong year for business in contrast with the past two. To help companies prepare now for ESG success in 2022, we asked our network of sustainability […]

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How Apparel Companies Win by Shifting their Focus from Success on the Catwalk to ESG Leadership

From factory floor to retail storefront, clothing goes through a resource-intensive, globally distributed journey before it’s ever worn. As environmental, social, and governance (ESG) and sustainability continue to rise to the fore, companies in the apparel industry face a pressing need to improve ESG performance in their supply chains, their own operations, and even after their […]

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How To Embed Purpose into ESG Data and Company Culture

Purpose is a defining metric for how many people choose their careers, lead their lives, or contribute to the greater good of society. A purpose-driven culture relies on purpose-driven leadership. At some point or another, we all have been empowered and inspired by good proactive leadership that cares about the common good, especially in times […]

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Beyond Basic ESG Reporting

ESG impact measurement, reporting and ratings today are the wild west. That is without a doubt. As to their usefulness, it depends entirely on how the ESG data is being applied. In a recent Harvard Business Review article focusing on Sustainability, Inc., Kenneth P. Pucker makes some solid arguments. He highlights what he sees as the […]

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How CEOs Can Better Understand ESG Materiality and Long-Term Value Creation

Social and environmental ESG data can be difficult to measure. ESG surveys can feel repetitive and the rating audits, challenging and time consuming. It’s tempting for CEOs both new and those experienced in the ESG marketplace to take a passive approach to ESG reporting. When addressing ESG data, evaluating what is material to your financial […]

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Navigating A New Climate Agenda: What Companies Can Expect Next in ESG Reporting

Climate resilience is in the spotlight across the globe, and companies are being called to action. On Earth Day, President Biden announced a sweeping climate agenda to halve U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and become net-zero by 2050, accompanied by a $2 trillion infrastructure plan to meet these goals. Corporate leaders and boards across […]

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Four Ways To Align Suppliers with your Sustainability Commitment

A growing number of companies are recognizing the importance of reducing their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions with their suppliers. The momentum for companies to address their environmental footprint is part of a growing trend to supercharge environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) performance. Performance which is increasingly tied to improved customer and suppliers relationships, higher […]

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Ten ESG Trends to Watch Right Now

The past year and COVID-19 pandemic had a profound effect on our already vulnerable and changing world. In a time characterized by increasing uncertainty and unprecedented risk, 2020 served as a wake-up call to policymakers, business leaders and investors. This has further fueled the already growing ESG trends toward incorporating environmental, social and governance issues […]

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