Good.Lab & Quickbase Webinar

Demystifying the new SEC Climate Disclosure Rule

Join us for an essential webinar,

Hosted by Anthony Offredi, Director, Customer Advisory Team at Quickbase, the leading application platform for dynamic work, and Andries Verschelden, CEO and co-founder of Good.Lab, for an essential webinar on understanding the SEC’s groundbreaking new climate disclosure rule. This regulation marks one of the most significant shifts in U.S. regulatory history, and it’s crucial to know how to prepare for compliance.

Webinar Focus:

  • Overview of the New SEC Rule: Gain insights into the extensive climate-related information that companies must now disclose, including energy usage, greenhouse gas emissions, and risk management strategies.
  • Critical Compliance Steps: Learn the five crucial steps you need to take to ensure your business remains compliant from now on.
  • Impact of Other Regulations: Explore how California’s climate laws and various international ESG regulations interact with the new SEC rule, demanding unprecedented transparency.
  • Consequences of Non-Compliance: Understand the potential penalties for late or incomplete reports and the risk of reputational damage and loss of brand trust.
  • Actionable Guidance: Receive practical advice on navigating these complex regulatory requirements to safeguard your company’s future.

Don’t miss this opportunity to stay ahead in the evolving landscape of ESG reporting. Equip yourself with the knowledge and tools necessary to maintain compliance and operational excellence in the face of these new requirements.

Stay informed and ensure your company is prepared for the future of ESG compliance!

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